Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 4 at GKI

Day 4


Another exhausting Island day.

We woke up and talked girl talk, then ventured to the community kitchen to scavenge for cereal. Then we talked some more.

Then we read, and waited for the morning ferry that would deliver our groceries.

Then we found out that we didn’t get groceries, but Geoff would call around and see what happened. Luckily, the ferry would be coming back tonight.

Then we wrote.

Then we went snorkeling again, but still had no luck. Too sandy. Snorkeling is stupid.

And we still had no groceries, so we resorted to leftover mince and tuna. Hey, when you’re hungry, anything works.

Then we headed back to the tent—today was the day we would move into the Dolphin House and get our very own kitchen and bathroom and have locking doors! We packed our suitcases (and by pack I mean threw everything in and zipped it up) and dragged our stuff 100 feet to the house.

After three days in a tent, this was like a five star resort. Check out the pictures:

Thrilled with the new place and feeling rather spoiled, we packed up the laptops and headed to our Office to write and watch the sunset:

We were joined by Cheyenne, who’d spent the day on her own exploring. As the sun went down, the bats came out:

Probably in hunt of the mosquitoes (mozzies, to us Australians) that were sucking us dry. Suddenly under full-blown attack, we packed up and ran back to the safety and comfort of our House, where we discovered we had a TV with reception for 3 stations—an event that we celebrated rather exuberantly.

And while I missed being on the path of Gary’s rounds and having Kitty come to beg at our feet, with the house we got new visitors:

And yet again, I woke up in the middle of the night to the paranoia-induced sounds of pitter-patter under my bed.

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