Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Weekend in the Life of a Supernatural Junkie

Boy it's been a long time since I've blogged. I didn't even remember the address to this site. Signed in on blind faith. It worked.

So why sign in now? I just had a great weekend in Chicago and my best friend insisted I blog a blow-by-blow for her and the other girls I was with, although I'm using this as more of a personal journal so that in a year or more, I can look back and remember with greater detail. I wish I had done this for the other conventions I'd gone to, and when that same best friend came to visit me nearly a year ago. Regrets.

What follows is my account of the Creation Entertainment's 2009 Supernatural Convention in Chicago. Pic Spam ensues. So does uncontrollable bouts of fangirl-ism.

My apologies.

Please don't think any less of me.


1 comment:

Caroline said...

Uncontrollable bouts of fangirl-ism! *squee* I'd expect no less! And, hey don't feel bad about not blogging when I visited. It was my job as visitor and scribe to do that, and I still haven't finished. *blush*

Thank you so for doing this! I missed you so when you were away, but having this to read will make it seem as though I was there.